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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Woman Conceived in Rape is Grateful for Life...

Just another reminder that there are always two lives to consider in the decision to choose life or abortion.
Deborah Morlani, pro-life speaker and mother of five, defends Cardinal Oullet's stand in defense of those conceived in rape and talks about her own mother's decision, at the age of 16, to defend the life of her child:

"When she found out she was pregnant there was no doubt in her mind that I was her little baby and she was going to keep me and ensure that no one hurt me like she was hurt. She always felt very protective of my life while I was growing in her womb and throughout my childhood..."

"My mom made a doll named Suzie for me shortly after I was born and  I still have her to this day. This little 12" handmade cotton doll has meant a lot to me over the years; she reminds me that I was a baby worth loving no matter how I was conceived. She reminds me that babies are worth loving, no exceptions."

Morlani has made it one of the missions of her life to defend the lives of babies, like her, "who were conceived in rape and to work toward ending the discrimination and hatred aimed toward us."

Read the full article here and do pass it on: Woman Conceived in Rape Thanks Quebec Cardinal for Abortion Statements

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